CASE STUDY: Manufacturing Customer Survey Finds The Following Results

CASE STUDY:  Manufacturing Customer Survey Finds The Following Results

In 2011, we conducted a client survey of over 1500 manufacturers, across varied industries doing manual and hand deburring.

How Much Production Time Are You Losing?

Set up? Processing Time? The MAX speeds all of this!

Deburring and Part Finishing in the Aerospace Sector: Exceeding Industry Standards

Deburring and Part Finishing in the Aerospace Sector: Exceeding Industry Standards

In the dynamic world of aerospace engineering, precision and quality are paramount. Every component, no matter how small, plays a crucial role in the overall performance and safety of an aircraft. One often overlooked but essential process in aerospace manufacturing is deburring and part finishing. This article explores the significance of deburring, its role in meeting industry standards, and the latest techniques employed by top engineers in the aerospace sector.

Mastering Precision: A Comprehensive Guide to Overcoming Part Finishing Challenges

Mastering Precision: A Comprehensive Guide to Overcoming Part Finishing Challenges

In the intricate realm of manufacturing, achieving precision in part finishing is an ongoing pursuit that directly influences the quality and functionality of the final product. This comprehensive guide explores the common challenges encountered in part finishing and offers valuable insights into overcoming these hurdles with the help of advanced deburring and chamfering machines.

The Machine Shop at James Engineering

The Machine Shop at James Engineering

Get an inside scoop about the machine shop at James Engineering from a Q&A with lead engineer, Dave Schlosser, and company vice president, Scott Richards.

The Difference Between Grinding, Polishing, and Deburring

The Difference Between Grinding, Polishing, and Deburring

These three machining processes all seem frustratingly similar—so what makes them different from each other?

What Is Gear Chamfering?

What Is Gear Chamfering?

In simple terms, gear chamfering is the process of cutting a 90-degree edge at a 45-degree angle, but in reality it’s a bit more complicated than that.

Abrasives in CNC Machines

Abrasives in CNC Machines

Scott Richards goes into detail about why abrasives are harmful for CNCs and how operators can avoid the unnecessary struggle that comes with using them.

Engineering Every Day

Engineering Every Day

Design engineer Zack Lindsey gives us the inside scoop about his time at James Engineering and all he accomplished before it.

From Past to Present: The History of Manufacturing

From Past to Present: The History of Manufacturing

Have you ever wondered how certain things are made? In order to understand that, you first have to know the history of the manufacturing industry…

Deburring Debunked: The Ultimate Challenges

Deburring Debunked: The Ultimate Challenges

Jim Richards, founder of James Engineering, explains the top three part finishing challenges and the secret to overcoming them.

Types of Deburring

Types of Deburring

Let’s dive in to eight different methods of deburring!

Innovating Tomorrow

Innovating Tomorrow

James Engineering’s own Dave Schlosser gives us a sneak peek into his career as a mechanical engineer.

Part Finishing 101: A Beginner's Guide

Part Finishing 101: A Beginner's Guide

Part finishing is an in-depth process requiring multiple different applications to ensure parts are processed to perfection.

The Matter of The Sprocket

The Matter of The Sprocket

Sprockets can be tricky to deburr, but James Engineering has come up with the perfect solution.

FIGHT! Robot vs Gantry System

FIGHT! Robot vs Gantry System

The presence of robots increases every day within the manufacturing industry, but James Engineering has managed to manufacture without traditional robots from the start—and here’s how.

The A1 Intern

The A1 Intern

Quinn Gossett explains what she’s learned during her time at James Engineering and how it has prepared her for her future in mechanical engineering.

Happy Manufacturing Day!

Happy Manufacturing Day!

Today is National Manufacturing Day, and the beginning of Manufacturing Month! Let’s dive in to the holiday’s history and importance.

Under (Air) Pressure

Under (Air) Pressure

The air we breathe and the power it creates—how air motors work and why they’re preferred.

The Dynamic Duo

The Dynamic Duo

Why a CNC machine and the MAX System make the perfect pair.

The Torchbearer

The Torchbearer

A spotlight on Masenn Lewis and his welding journey.